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BoW: Assignment 5 Submission

This was my initial submission for Assignment 5 of Body of Work, which after further discussion with my tutor we agreed that a hard copy of the joint book would be better to help my tutor to understand what I was having difficulty in describing.
The submission was split into two books; one for Thornhill and the other for Glasgow.  Whilst they are separate books, they are best appreciated when opened together and viewed as a four page spread.  My intention is to physically join these books together along one edge so that they can unfold into this four page layout.  To create this, the Thornhill book is designed to be read from front to back, whereas the Glasgow book is intended to be read from back to front, and as I say, the ultimate intention is that each double page spread for Thornhill has a corresponding double page spread in the Glasgow book.  I have tried to explain this in an earlier blog post on Assignment 5.
The two books are Thornhill book and Glasgow book
It is also worth mentioning that since Assignment 4, I had the opportunity to present my work at the Barnsley student residential and a couple of further Scotland Study Group sessions, which both confirmed my growing sense of the work  that it needed something a bit more to lift the work another level.  I was encouraged to take what I thought at the time was quite a substantial risk in changing the work so late on between Assignment 4 and the final 5th Assignment – thinking that if you do not like it then I will be in trouble at such a late stage in the process.  You will probably be pleased however that having worked on it for quite some time I am now comfortable in taking this forward as my final outcome for Body of Work, and less inclined to worry about ‘what my tutor might think’.  It has been an interesting journey and hopefully you will agree a fascinating outcome compared with where I might have started – and could have ended up!
In terms of next steps, I will obviously look forward to, and appreciate, any comments you may have on this work, whereby I will then intend to create a dummy hardcopy version of this book for Assessment purposes before then creating a more professional, high quality book as part of the final module – more of which I describe in the evaluation document.  On that, I have also included with this assignment a copy of my ‘Introduction’ and ‘Evaluation’ associated with this work.


Final Catch-up

Well, it’s been quite some time since my last post which was around the time of my final assignment submission back in December.  After the effort of finishing Body of Work just within the two year deadline; whilst also having quite a stressful time over that two year period of moving house twice, getting used to a new Country (Scotland), and putting all my efforts into a rather busy new job, I felt burnt out having achieved this academic milestone.  I thus decided to have a break before deciding on  my next steps, which has admittedly lasted much longer than I initially intended, but is still something that I needed.

In this time I have also been giving quite some thought into whether I wanted to continue or had I come to the end of the journey with these studies.  I have never intended to become a practicing artist and thus my focus has been on the academic challenge that this course has provided, whereas the final module seems much more attuned to the former. This is something I am still battling and struggle with its value to me, however, for now I have decided to get up to date with this blog, tidy it up, and get ready for assessment (I have just missed the last one so have to wait until later this year, or enter all modules together once they are all finished).

So the next few blogs will be a catch-up to make sure all the assignments and assessment submission documents are available, and any other relevant posts in-between.